Whether you donate or volunteer, help us put a smile on the face of a deserving child and their families. Contact us today to get involved!
B4K Needs Physical Support Well, the fact of the matter is that the B4K organization is an entity unlike many other organizations. There is no membership population to rely on. We have put a lot of pride in being a 100% volunteer organization. This allows for the MAXIMUM return on investment when pretty close to 100% of every dollar donated goes DIRECTLY TO THE KIDS! |
Within one hundred miles of where you now sit reading this there is likely a child who due to a terminal illness or life-limiting disease will never realize their dream. That dream may be to one day hear a mighty bull elk bugle, feel the pull of a fighting salmon or simply hear the quiet mournful sound of a loon. Right now that child may be sitting and wondering why they never had that chance, the chance to live their outdoor wish. That child and that child’s dream is why you’ve received this letter. You’ve received it because we need your help to find that child before it’s too late. You’ve received it in the hope that together we can make that dream come true for them. You’ve received this letter because no sick or dying child should ever have to settle for second best on their Outdoor Wish. This isn’t about money, equipment or donated hunts and trips; it's about one simple thing, awareness or rather a lack of it. That’s right, a lack of awareness is the biggest enemy these kids face as their time too quickly passes. It’s about the help to realize their dream that’s out there for them yet they do not know. It’s about your help bringing a light to shine on these kids and bringing a smile to their face as they realize their dream. It’s about a smile that can belong to you. Benefit4Kids “Outdoor Wish Program” is there for these kids but spreading the word alone can be a slow and costly process. Our “Outdoor Wish Program” is set up to help terminally ill and life-limited kids realize their outdoor dream whether it’s hunting, fishing, camping, wilderness horseback riding or any other of our wonderful outdoor activities. Benefit4Kids needs your help to help these kids and we’re hoping you will join us in a partnership of sorts to bring awareness of our programs to these kids. We’d like you to consider naming Benefit4Kids your “Officially Recognized Outdoor Wish Granting Program”. With that recognition if approved, we simply need from you a ¼ page spot in your regularly published magazine, newsletter and/or even your website. This spot is for awareness only and will never be an advertisement nor will it ever request donations of any kind from anyone. It will simply be a place to make more and more people aware of the programs we offer to these special kids. What will it cost for you to make Benefit4Kids your “Officially Recognized Outdoor Wish Granting Program”? It will cost you nothing, not one thin dime but it will buy you more than you could ever imagine. That ¼ page spot will buy you the knowledge that you have helped a sick or dying child realize their dream. It will buy for you a child’s smile and a family’s memories that will last them a lifetime. It will raise awareness in the non-outdoor community that outdoorsmen and outdoors women do more than just hunt and fish, they also work to help others. This is something we’ve always known that is talked about far too little outside our own community. If you would like more information about our Awareness Partnership and how you can help visit www.B4K.org or call 877-B4K-KID0 and we’ll be glad to answer any questions you may have. Once again we’d like to ask you to consider making Benefit4Kids your “Officially Recognized Outdoor Wish Granting Program” and help us to help kids with the simple awareness spot shown below. |
Our Current Awareness Partners:
As with any non-profit organization, Benefit4Kids is in need of volunteers to help us with the many children we work with along with the many fundraisers, shows and events we attend. Many people do not realize that your time is most often the most valuable donation you can give to an organization like Benefit4Kids. The Board of Directors (BOD) of Benefit4Kids has implemented a new program to help build our base of volunteers. It is our hope that with your help our Council of Hearts will grow to include volunteers in every state and from all walks of life.
The Council of Hearts will enable Benefit4Kids to reach out to many more children and assist us in making others aware of the programs Benefit4Kids has to offer. The idea behind our Council of Hearts members is to have a database of volunteers we can call on for help if we need it in their area. It may be something as simple as handing out flyers at an event or contacting doctors, hospitals, etc. in your area to let them know about our programs and what we do. It may be helping us set up at an event we're attending or contacting outfitters you know to try and expand our base of places to send Outdoor Wish kids. As with everything we do it's 100% volunteer on your part and there are no specific requirements other than helping out if you get the chance. Should you decide to join our Council of Hearts simply fill out the application below and send it to the address at the bottom of the form. You'll then be added to our database and contacted when help is needed. If you are able to help at that time just let them know what you are available to do and when and they'll schedule you in. If for any reason you are unable to help at that time no problem, you'll stay in our database and be contacted the next time you may be needed. Thanks for taking the time to consider helping us help kids. To learn more about the Council Of Hearts Program and/or to add your name to the growing list of volunteers please contact the Benefit4Kids. Click below to open the Council of Hearts Application form: |
Benefit4Kids 7161 McDonald Street, Harsens Island MI 48028 |